3 Tips to Improve Your Mindset

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If burn out, overwhelm, and exhaustion are your norm, I’ve got good news for you, babe - that is NOT how you were created to live! The Hustle Sanely lifestyle is all about pursuing those big, bold dreams of yours without sacrificing your mental health + relationships.

Hustling sanely means you are 100% working hard but you’re doing so in a way that is healthy for your mind, body, and soul. We are all about creating rhythms and routines that allow us to be peacefully productive. 

We achieve this whole Hustle Sanely lifestyle by following the 5 keys to hustling sanely. Over the next month, we are going to be learning about the 5 keys in detail!

The 5 Keys to Hustling Sanely are:

1. Get your mindset right.

2. Get clear on your vision.

3. Define your priorities.

4. Create your routines + schedule.

5. Implement Hustle Sanely 5 every day.

So key number 1, get your mindset right, what’s that all about? The first key to hustling sanely is getting your mindset right because if you don’t do that, you won’t be able to do keys 2-5 with authority.

The foundation of being truly productive and working toward your dreams sanely is having a solid mindset. You've got to believe in yourself and in the work that you're doing because your thoughts determine your reality. You get to choose your mindset and it's your responsibility to learn how to redirect your thoughts. Knowing how to redirect your thoughts is vital in peacefully pursuing your dreams. I totally understand and empathize with the fact that we don’t get to choose our circumstances all the time. But we always get to choose how we respond to circumstances, you know?

Today’s I want to talk about 3 action steps that you can take to help you get your mindset right. But first, I want to be very clear and up front with you that getting your mindset right is not like flipping a light switch off + on. It takes diligence, intentionality, and discipline. Mindset work is not a one and done thing. We are always learning and growing as individuals so we need to make sure that we are frequently checking in with and assessing our thoughts.

And real quick - assessing our thoughts is NOT the same thing as judging our thoughts. As far as I’m concerned, being judge-y toward ourselves is a waste of energy. By assessing, I mean examining our thoughts and making note of any patterns that we notice. It’s digging into WHY we are thinking the way we are thinking - paying attention to what our thoughts are rooted in.

When it comes to mindset, the biggest things that I try to pay attention to are:

  1. Making sure that my self-talk is generally positive

  2. That I’m operating in a growth mindset

Self-talk is exactly what it sounds like - it’s the dialogue that you have going on inside your head. The kinds of things that you are saying, internally and externally, about yourself - whether that’s in regard to your appearance, skills, or personality.

And then growth mindset - we talked about this a few weeks ago but just to refresh your memory:

When someone is operating from a fixed mindset, they believe that their intelligence, skills, whatever are what they are (or fixed) and cannot be changed. Whereas when someone is operating from a growth mindset, they believe that their intelligence, skills, etc. can grow with time and experience. 

Okay so now that you have a good grasp on what I mean by getting your mindset right, I’m going to share 3 action steps that you can take to start being more intentional and proactive when it comes to your mindset.

1. Identify your limiting beliefs and do something about them.

And by “do something about them” I mean figure out and lean into your affirming truths. In case you’ve never heard the phrase “limiting belief” before, it’s pretty much like a mental hurdle or mindset block - something negative that you believe about yourself or your life as truth and that’s keeping you from going after the life you want and the dreams you want to pursue.

Before we go any farther, I’ve got to lay down some tough LOVE (emphasis on love): Girl, you’ve got to ditch the victim mentality. Thinking/saying things like, “I’m so busy.” “I don’t have time.” - that doesn’t fly here. We are ALL busy. We ALL have obligations that require our time. Instead, let’s focus on the time and energy that we DO have and what we CAN DO with them.

You complaining about your current season and/or comparing it to someone else’s is actually pointless. It will get you 0% closer to where you’re trying to go. Maybe your schedule is really full right now because you’re working full-time and you’re in grad school and you’re a mom. GO YOU - honestly, that sounds hard AF.

But you complaining that Becky’s life of owning her own business and working from home and having no kids must be a breeze does not change your circumstances. No matter what Becky’s life looks like, you still work 40 hours a week outside the home, are a full-time student, and a mama. So let’s spend our energy on how we’re going to approach our own circumstances, okay?

I thought it would be helpful for me to share a limiting belief that I’ve had to work through to give you a concrete example:

I used to hardcore struggle with calling myself a planner designer. And I know that might seem silly to others but it was really something that made me feel anxious. It was rooted in imposter syndrome - I was afraid that people would find out that I didn’t know how to use “professional” design programs and think that I wasn’t qualified to create and sell planners.

So limiting belief:

I’m not a real planner designer.

Affirming truth:

I design beautiful planners that help people pursue peaceful productivity. For the Lord will be your confidence And will keep your foot from being caught. - Proverbs 3:26.

I always attach scripture to my truths since I’m a follower of Jesus and my faith is my foundation. But if that’s not your jam then you don’t have to do that part.

In the 5-week Hustle Sanely Intensive Program that is opening again in June, we work through some exercises together to really help you uncover and unpack limiting beliefs that are clogging up your mind. Not only that, but we figure out affirming truths so that you’re ready to take on and redirect those limiting beliefs when they try to pop up.

The next action step is:

2. Create and implement a morning routine with some mindset strategies.

My go-tos are prayer, meditation, journaling, consuming uplifting content that positively stimulates you mentally, which I do typically in the form of non-fiction books or podcasts. Y’all know that I take my morning routine very seriously. That’s because to me, having a morning routine that includes some mindset strategies, like the ones I just mentioned, is like preparing yourself for battle. It’s armoring yourself up to be able to RESPOND to your day rather than REACT to it.

How we spend our morning plays a big part in how we navigate the rest of our day. It really sets the tone, you know? And plus, incorporating mindset work into your morning routine will ensure that you’re consistently checking in with and assessing your thoughts, which we talked about at the beginning of the episode.
If you need some help creating a morning routine, go listen to episode 016 of The Hustle Sanely Podcast - it’s all about creating a morning routine that you’ll actually stick to.

And then the third action step that you can take to start being more intentional and proactive when it comes to your mindset is:

3. Keep a gratitude journal.

Are you surprised? Probably not because I feel like I never shut up about morning routines and gratitude journals! And I probably never will so…not sorry, lol.

But seriously, being in a state of gratitude is powerful. I have an entire podcast episode on how keeping a gratitude journal will change your life. I know that’s a bold statement but I really believe it.

When we are living in gratitude, we can’t be living in lack. We are acutely aware of all that we have and I believe that when we acknowledge and express thankfulness for what we’ve got, it creates an environment for us to welcome in more goodness. Practicing gratitude creates expansion in our lives. And it doesn’t have to be complicated. I legit wrote in my gratitude journal this morning that I’m grateful for the new fence we’re getting in our backyard, lol

Oh and I wanted to share one of my favorite things that I do on Sunday as I’m prepping for the coming week - I pull out my Hustle Sanely Journal and actually read over all of my gratitude lists from the week! Knowing that I’m going to be reading my gratitude lists from each day at the end of the week holds me accountable to actually write one every day.

I love the Hustle Sanely Journal because there is a specific spot every day to write out your gratitude list - makes it super simple to become part of your morning routine!

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Alright and that is the first key to hustling sanely - get your mindset right. But the truth is, this is just scratching the surface of mindset work. If you didn’t know my 5-week Hustle Sanely Intensive Program is re-opening in June and, I am stoked to jump into all of this stuff with you and teach you how to get your mindset right and really create a life that allows you to peacefully pursue your dreams! This program is my BABY. It’s all things hustling sanely bundled up in one place with a pretty little bow on top.

I launched it for the first time last spring and took over 20 women through it - it was incredible to watch them overcome mindset blocks and create schedules and routines that allowed them to live the life of their dreams.

If you’re like WOW, JESS, PLS TELL ME MORE, head over here to get your name on the wait list for when enrollment opens in June!

If you loved this post, make sure you listen in on the podcast episode about getting your mindset right!


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