All of My Current Routines (literally all of them, lol)

Keep reading this post to learn:

⋒ How I think about routines and the mindset to have when establishing them

⋒ My exact yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly & daily routines

⋒ A peek inside our Hustle Sanely Lifestyle course (& maybe a discount code, too 👀)

A few weeks ago I was doing my HS Move for 30 workout and I was just thinking about how happy I am with life right now.

Is it perfect? No, but it feels really good because I have curated a list of routines that make my days/weeks flow well and that support me.

So I thought, ya know, the Hustle Sanely Squad loves a concrete example soooo why not make an entire blog post that is one giant concrete example? I thought it would be fun to walk you through my daily routines, weekly routines, monthly routines, quarterly routines, and yearly routines.

My intention behind this blog post isn’t to make you feel like you need to adopt every single one of my routines for your own life – it’s to give you some inspiration. To get your wheels turning and give you some ideas for routines that you might want to try out in your own life!

As you know (or at least I hope you know), I’m a big believer that our schedules and routines are tools, not chains – they are tools that are meant to make our lives easier – not chains that bog us down or stress us out. I love routines because they save me so much brain power. I’m hardly ever wondering what I need to be doing at any given time… I just know what needs to be done and I can do it and then move on. My routines are curated specifically for me and my season of life to help me show up how I want to show up – for myself and for my family.

If a routine isn’t working for you anymore, it’s probably not a you thing. It probably just means that particular routine doesn’t make sense for your season anymore. I audit my routines very quarter-ish to ensure that I still like how they feel and make sense for my life.

So I’m a visual person and I picture a pyramid – the point being yearly and the bottom being daily – all of my routines kind of trickle down and work together to help me live a peacefully productive life.

So that’s how I want to structure this blog post – start at the top of the pyramid (yearly) and work our way down (daily).

Yearly Routines:

Yearly Vision Meeting: this is my meeting where I sit down with my planner, Google cal, and Notion to brainstorm my goals for the coming year – I usually do this in November every year.

Linen + Undie Refresh: towels, sheets, undies – I usually do this during Black Friday sales every year.

Yearly tasks that are part of my Home Cleaning Routine: cleaning the washer and dryer, flipping mattresses, and decluttering our digital and paper files – I usually do these in December every year.

Anniversary trip: Adam and I go on a getaway for our anniversary every April instead of buying each other gifts.

Quarterly Routines:

Quarterly Check-In Meetings: this is where I sit down with my planner, Google cal, and Notion to decide which goals I’ll be focusing on during the coming quarter and I also revisit The 5 Keys to Hustling Sanely™ to make sure my mindset is right, my vision is clear, my priorities and straight, and my routines make sense for my season. I do this before the start of each new quarter.

Quarterly tasks that are part of my home cleaning routine: decluttering, wiping fans, light fixtures, curtains, blinds, and windows, deep cleaning the couch and rugs. Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

Monthly Routines:

Monthly Check-In Meetings: I actually do this the 4th Thursday of every month with the Hustle Sanely BFFs! We have a monthly plan together on Zoom. I sit down with my journal, planner, Google Cal, and Notion to brainstorm what I am focusing on each week during the month to help me reach my Focus Goals for that month. I also schedule our month as a family during this time (so like our out-of-the-house dates, when we’re visiting our family, etc.).

First of the month list: pay any bills that aren’t on autopay, make sure my planner, journal, and Notion are ready to go for the new month, clean out and organize the camera roll on my phone from last month’s pictures.

Monthly revolving cleaning tasks from my home cleaning routine – I do one of these a week each month: Deep clean the showers, wipe the baseboards/doorframes, clean out the fridge, pantry, oven, freezer, and the quarterly cleaning routine task. Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

– Girls’ Night

– Visit my grandparents

– 2 “out of the house” dates with Adam

Weekly Routines:


– Money Meeting
– Intentional Family Activity
– FaceTime my grandparents for dinner with Evvy

– Bestie Walk
– Treadmill Work Day
– FaceTime my grandparents for dinner with Evvy
– Worship Wednesdays

– Laptop clean up/backup

– Self-Care Fridays

– Home Reset Routine (do a quick tidy of all the rooms, water plants, wash bedding, empty all of the trash bins, plan meals, order groceries) Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

– Weekly Prep Meetings: I sit with my planner, Google cal, and Notion to create a game plan for my HS5 habits for the coming week. Based on my Top 3 Tasks for the week, I plan out my Focus 3 for the first few days of the week and any that I can fill in for the second half of the week, too.
– Quality Time with Evvy

– Church with the fam
– Social Media-Free Sunday

Daily Routines:

– Wake up between 6-6:30 AM and take my temperature for my cycle tracking app

– Ice roll

– Decaf coffee with collagen and ashwagandha

– Morning routine: journal, read my Bible, read 10 pages of a nonfiction book (25-35 minutes)

– Home Opening Routine (start a load of laundry – I do this every other day-ish, unload the dishwasher – I do this every other day-ish, start the diffusers, make the beds, run the robot vacuum, HS5 tidy for 15 minutes). Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

– Walk (either with Evvy and Adam or with Evvy and my bestie) or HS5 move for 30 minutes

– Work clock-in transition: start my oils and pray over my workday

– Lunch break + grounding

– Work clock-out transition: Daily Planning Meeting (this is part of the Hustle Sanely Planning System™ where I look at the next day and fill in any gaps from my weekly planning meeting based on how the week has gone so far – so I open up my planner and Google cal and make sure I know what my HS5 is for the next day and that I’m aware of any scheduled events)

– Transition activity: in this season is HS5 move for 30 (with audiobook) or reading

– 30 minutes of phone-free time with Evvy

– Family dinner

– Home Closing Routine (put away any loose items, start the dishwasher – I do this every other day-ish, swiffer dining room and kitchen floors, fluff couch, sort the mail, fold and put away laundry). Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

– Evvy bedtime routine (bath around 6:15, PJs and lotion with affirmations around 6:30, play as a family until 6:45, give her milk at 6:45, brush her teeth around 6:55, read a story, pray, goodnight hugs and kisses around 7:00)

– Evening Routine: skincare, face yoga, journal, read fiction and/or watch a show with Adam, drink magnesium around 9 PM, phone on the charger by 9 PM, bed between 10-10:30 PM

– Wake up between 6-6:30 AM and take my temperature for my cycle tracking app

– Ice roll

– Decaf coffee with collagen and ashwagandha

– Morning routine: journal, read my Bible, read 10 pages of a nonfiction book (25-35 minutes)

– Home Opening Routine (start a load of laundry – I do this every other day-ish, unload the dishwasher – I do this every other day-ish, start the diffusers, make the beds, run the robot vacuum, HS5 tidy for 15 minutes). Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

– Family Walk

– Breakfast and take my supplements 

– Daily Planning Meeting (this is part of the Hustle Sanely Planning System™ where I look at the next day and fill in any gaps from my weekly planning meeting based on how the week has gone so far – so I open up my planner and Google cal and make sure I know what my HS5 is for the next day and that I’m aware of any scheduled events)

– HS5 move for 30 minutes with an audiobook

– Grounding and vitamin D

– Vibey shower + skincare routine + get ready for the day

– Family dinner

– Home Closing Routine (put away any loose items, start the dishwasher – I do this every other day-ish, swiffer dining room and kitchen floors, fluff couch, sort the mail, fold and put away laundry). Click here to read about my whole cleaning routine!

– Evvy bedtime routine (bath around 6:15, PJs and lotion with affirmations around 6:30, play as a family until 6:45, give her milk at 6:45, brush her teeth around 6:55, read a story, pray, goodnight hugs and kisses around 7:00)

– Evening Routine: skincare, face yoga, journal, read fiction and/or watch a show with Adam, drink magnesium around 9 PM, phone on the charger by 9 PM, bed between 10-10:30 PM

It might sound like a lot, but keep in mind that I’ve built this “day in the life” over time. Not every day goes perfectly according to this but having this as a guideline to help me structure my days is so helpful in stewarding my time and energy well.

Also, you heard me mention that some of these routines are part of the Hustle Sanely Planning System – if you’re like ummm excuse me what is that I wanna know all about it!!!! I’ve got you – I have a course called the Hustle Sanely Lifestyle course that’s split up into 3 parts:

LEARN IT: I teach you what the Hustle Sanely Planning System is
SEE IT: I show you the Hustle Sanely Planning System in action in my own life
DO IT: You do a collection of curated exercises to apply the Hustle Sanely Planning System to your life

Since you’re reading this blog post or listening to the podcast episode, I’ll give you a lil’ deal – if you use the code PEACEFULLIFE (all caps), you can get $50 off HSLC! *

I hope this blog post got your wheels turning for some routines that you can start to implement in your life! If you enjoyed it, please let us know over at @jessmmassey and @hustlesanely on Instagram!



* Code available for use on the one-time payment option


Loved this blog post? Tune into the full podcast episode below!


How I Plan My Life and Business a Year in Advance


How to Prep for a Trip Without Stressing Out