How to Figure Out What Your Dream Is


Real talk: My life looks NOTHING like I thought it would. Two years ago I dropped out of my SLP master’s program to pursue a career that was not in my original plan. 

Was I scared? HECK YES. 

But when it came down to it, one mindset exercise completely changed my life

I imagined what my ideal day looked like in detail. And I realized that being an SLP wasn’t part of that but creating productivity tools was.

3 Steps to Figure Out Your Dream.png

After this realization, all of the fears I thought were holding me back (fear of failure, fear of how I would look dropping out of school etc.) actually revealed to me that my biggest fear was NOT pursuing Hustle Sanely. 

What if I decided to choose a mediocre life in something I was no longer passionate about just to “stay safe”? THAT is what  truly scared me. 

Listen, I know what it's like to feel stuck. To feel totally stumped when it comes to knowing what you want to do. Did you know that Hustle Sanely is actually my 8th or 9th (idk I lost count, lol) career change?

Truth is, it took me 8 years to finally find my dream. Throughout this process I have gained the tools to actually get clear on my dream and how you can get clear on yours too. 

Don’t wait to figure out what your dream is, the time is going to pass and you will always wish you would have started earlier! 

You deserve to get clear on your dreams AND peacefully pursue them.

So what are the steps I took to reflect on my life and decide what my dream truly was? Glad you asked ;) 

  1. Insert The Vision Pyramid

In Hustle Sanely, I teach that in order to get clear on your dreams you have to first get clear on your vision. 

Vision Pyramid

ROOTS: Your roots are what keep you anchored. Your roots make up your foundation. They hold everything else up.

⋒ What do you consider the foundation of your life? 

⋒ What do you believe in? 

⋒ What guides how you make your day-to-day decisions?

VALUES: Your values are how you live out your roots aka your roots in action.

⋒ What standards do you hold yourself to?

⋒ What impact do you want to make?

Examples: loyalty, honesty, consistency, compassion, service to others

EXPERIENCES: Your experiences are situations you’ve gone through in life that have helped shape you into who you are today.

⋒ What activities light you up? 

⋒ What are you doing when you feel the most connected to your roots? 

⋒ What do people come to you for help with?

DREAMS: A dream is a cherished ambition that is born when your roots, values, and experiences collide!

Find which part of the pyramid you need to dig deeper into and your dreams will bubble up to the surface of your heart before you know it 💛

After getting clear on your vision, it is time to tackle those limiting beliefs.

2. Identifying and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Limiting belief - I have not pursued my dream because….

Root of the belief - I think that because…

Affirming truth - The truth is…

Take the time to really reflect on what is holding you back from pursuing your dreams. Ask yourself the questions above and answer with complete honesty. This is a no judgment zone. If you hold anything back, the only person you’re affecting is yourself.  

3. Map Out Your Ideal Day

Remember this is the exercise that really uncovered my true desires and dreams? Yup it’s time babe. 

I challenge you to be intentional and take the time to do this exercise, it is not very long but oh my is it powerful. 

Go somewhere quiet and set a timer for 5 minutes. Close your eyes and imagine what you want your ideal day to look and feel like. 

⋒ What time are you waking up? 

⋒ What kind of thoughts are you thinking? 

⋒ How are you resting your body? 

⋒ What kind of conversations are you having? 

Dream in detail, babe! 

After you have gotten clear on your vision, uncovered your limiting beliefs, and mapped out your ideal day, it is time to evaluate what you have discovered. 

Start brainstorming some dreams that are beginning to surface to your heart. Because it is going to happen, I promise. 

When we dig deep into what we truly want in life and what our gut is telling us, we begin to live with purpose and be more afraid to NOT pursue our dream than to let the fear of failure take over. 

And you know what is crazy? ⤵


You deserve to get clear on your dreams AND peacefully pursue them.

If you LOVED this post and you’re wanting more, I have some good news! This is just a small taste of what I have created in my Dream It. Do It. Workshop. 

I not only dive much deeper into every step of uncovering your dreams, but I also help you create a game plan to actually make them happen. 

Because nothing is worse than deciding you have a dream and then letting it sit there without taking action, am I right?!

Babe, it is time to finally...


⋒ Love what you’re doing

⋒ Know that you’re serving others with your gifts

⋒ Make an impact that goes beyond yourself

⋒ Never wonder what to do with your days

⋒ Not question if what you’re doing even matters

If you’re ready, let’s do this thing

I can’t wait to see you there! 🥂


What To Do When Your Dreams Don't Go According to Plan


How to Take the First Step and Make Progress on Your Dream