Nourish 30

Nourish 30 ⋒

Prioritize your self-care.
Create new routines.
Reclaim your season.

A live-challenge style course created to help hold mamas accountable for prioritizing their own well-being. I’ll help you choose 1-6 habits to commit to for 30 days that prioritize your mind, body, and soul and create routines to help you weave these habits into your life in a way that makes sense for your current season.

enrollment begins:
DEC 2023

challenge runs:

spots limited to:
20 women


Here’s the good news: prioritizing yourself as a mama takes more intentionality, but it’s incredibly possible for you.

I wholeheartedly believe that when moms put themselves on the back burner, it leads to burnout. Sounds obvious, but most mamas enter motherhood believing that they now come last, thanks to the narrative our culture sells us about who a mom should be. Record scratch. Here’s what I think (and you might, too): I believe that when moms prioritize their well-being and their needs, everyone else in their life benefits. When you take time to take care of yourself, then your partner, your kids, your family, your friends, and your work get the best of you – not the other way around. Not to mention, you deserve to fill up your cup, too. If you’re ready to redefine and reclaim your season (and life) as a mama, you’re not alone, and this challenge is for YOU.

what’s inside

Excited to change the narrative for your life and your loved ones? Here’s the 30-day challenge breakdown:

Access to a Notion template to help you choose and keep track of your Nourish 30 habits/experience
(honestly this thing is bomb 💣 - I love it so much that I'm gonna invite you to watch this video tour of it)

3 live group calls to ask questions, share wins, and connect with others (and yes, you can watch the replays)

Access to the course content in Kajabi which includes 3 audio trainings
(Tips for choosing your healthy habits to prioritize your well-being, Creating routines to support your habits, Setting boundaries to protect your habits)

Access to the community forum to connect with other moms in the challenge

The opportunity to participate in the 30-day live challenge from June 1-30, 2023 - with daily accountability check-in prompts in the community forum

You’ll be entered to win a $250 gift card of your choice (Amazon or a local spa) for participating in the challenge

Your 30-day live challenge investment:

One-time payment*


*We will not be offering payment plans due to the live aspect of the course.

A note to you:

My heart behind Nourish 30

At first, Nourish 30 started out as something I created for myself at 3 months postpartum. Before I had my daughter, Everly, I refused to adopt the common misconception that when you have a baby, you have to put yourself on the back burner. TBH, I never really understood how that made much sense?

To me, when moms prioritize their self-care and their needs, everyone else in their life gets the best of them – their partners, their kids, their work, their friends, etc. So, why do the literal opposite? It’s no wonder moms suffer from burnout when this is the narrative we’re sold.

With that in mind, I set out on a journey to create a challenge to help me hold myself accountable to pour into my well-being…

This looked like choosing ~6 habits to commit to for 30 days that prioritized my mind, body, and soul. I also created routines to help weave these habits into my life in a way that made sense for my season as a mom to a newborn (because seasons change, so our priorities/habits can, too!).

Naturally, as I began to share this with my Instagram community, other mamas wanted in. They wanted to break free of the “hot mess mom” stereotype that no longer felt healthy. Now Nourish 30 is this gentle revolution I get to invite other mamas into. Because the narrative we’re been sold about back-burner motherhood isn’t the one we have to keep buying. You can do things differently. You deserve to prioritize you, and tbh, everyone else benefits when you do. See you inside!


  • Nourish 30 is open 2 times a year. There are 20 spots available each round!

  • Once you sign up, you have access to the course material for 60 days.

  • Due to the live aspect of the course, we aren't offering payment plans. Your investment is one payment of $397.

  • This is a group challenge and 1:1 support is not included. But you will be able to submit questions for Jess to answer during the group calls.

  • Nourish 30 was designed and created with mamas in mind. The content and examples within the challenge are heavily geared toward motherhood so it's recommended that you sign up if that is applicable to you.

  • Signing up for Nourish 30 is good for one round. You are welcome to participate in a future round of Nourish 30, but you will have to sign up (and pay) each time you want to join in.