200: How to Reset When Your Morning is Trash

Y’all have heard me say many times that I’m a big believer that our mornings set the tone for our days – and that still holds up. I think that when we start our days doing some mental health hygiene and filling our cups, we set ourselves up to have a better day since it puts us in a good headspace. You know it’s like the whole "an object in motion stays in motion thing" – a solid morning creates momentum for a solid day a lot of the time.

However, some mornings, let’s be honest…stuff hits the fan 🙃🫠

In this episode, I'm sharing my RESET strategy for when your mornings are trash so that instead of throwing in the towel on your entire day when it starts out a little rough, you can turn it around entirely! ✨



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201: How to Take Action When You Don’t Know What’s Next


199: 5 Tips to Stay Sane During the Holidays