191: Get Your To-Do List Done Without Burning Out Using The Hustle Sanely Planning System

I feel like right now, a lot of people are recovering from the girl boss and hustle culture eras. You know the whole grind 24/7, put your goals above your well-being, work over everything mentality.

Let’s be real – we all have things we need to get done in life. There’s really no way around that. And we all have goals that we want to achieve and we can’t just sit back and hope our dreams into existence. We have to take action.

Tune in to this podcast episode to learn how you can use The Hustle Sanely Planning System to get the things on your to-do list done (without burning out), and how you can start living a peacefully productive life! ✨



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Burnout Stats Article

Morning MAPPING podcast episode


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192: How to Have an Abundance Mindset


190: How to Get Back to Your Routines After a Trip (My Post-Vacay Routine)