How to Stay Focused and Actually Get Stuff Done


Are you tired of not getting the stuff done that you need to accomplish every day and rushing around at the last minute to cram it all in?

Today, I am sharing 5 habits to help you focus and actually get stuff done. Read on so your looming to-do list loses its grip on you, girl!

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Alright, let’s get rolling with the topic - this is something that I shared in a recent #hustlesanelynuggets post and y’all asked if I could expand on it here on the podcast and you know how we roll - you ask and I make it happen so today we are talking about how to stay focused.

So here are 5 habits to help you focus and actually get stuff done:

1️⃣ Have a game plan.

Now this one sounds obvious right? But stick with me here. When you think of a coach preparing a team to play a game, they don’t have a broad plan like “show up and play the game” - no way! They have plays that they’ve outlined and practiced. They consider what circumstances might pop up throughout the game and have a play that corresponds to that. You need to have a detailed game plan when it comes to what you’re doing if you want to stay focused. The more room you leave for distractions to creep in, the easier it’s going to be for you to be derailed. 

I know that if I want to grow Hustle Sanely and run a sustainable and profitable business, that I have to stay focused during my workday and not let myself get carried away by scrolling social media or laying with my dogs because they’re just so cute. But how do I do this? What is my plan?

I come up with weekly game plans that help me make sure I am focusing on what needs to be done in order for me to hit my monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals.

⋒ On Friday afternoons, I sit down and map out my Top 3 for the following week - the 3 tasks that are top priority to get done for the week to propel me toward my monthly goal.

⋒ After I choose my weekly Top 3, I choose my daily Focus 3. Now I know you know what that is but just in case you need a refresher - the 3 non-negotiable tasks that you want to give your best time and energy to each day. Typically, these tasks propel you to ward your weekly goals. It’s like a waterfall effect you know?

Your quarterly goals are your action plans for your yearly goals, your monthly goals are your action plans for your quarterly goals. Your weekly goals aka your Top 3 are your actions plans for your monthly goals. And your daily goals aka your Focus 3 are your action plans for your weekly goals.

When it’s time for me to start work on Monday mornings, I know what needs to be done because I have a game plan. It’s much easier to focus on what needs to be done when you know what it is, you know?

2️⃣ Knock out your Focus 3 early on in the day.

I always advise people to get their Focus 3 tasks done as early in the day as possible, because leaving them lingering will stress you out and make you feel like you’re rushing all day to get to them because you know they are hanging over your head.

Getting your Focus 3 tasks done earlier in the day is best because:

⋒ Our productivity and clarity levels are usually higher toward the beginning of the day meaning you’ll produce better quality work. You’re fresh, you're sharp, you haven’t felt pulled in 15 different directions yet. Your tank is full, you feel me?

⋒ Getting your Focus 3 done earlier in the day will also make you feel accomplished, knowing you have those 3 important things done, and that will fuel you to get other things done too. Getting your Focus 3 done early on in the day is like hitting the nos button on your productivity - I just learned what that was from one of my friend’s little boys teaching me about video games, lol so in case you don’t know, nos is what you hit when you want your car to go powerfully fast. So want to supercharge your productivity? Get your Focus 3 done early in the day.

⋒ You’ll feel good knowing that your most important tasks are getting done and done well...3 cheers for peaceful productivity!

3️⃣ Create an environment that promotes productivity.

This one doesn’t take much explaining. Your work space is a reflection of your work. I bet if your work space is messy and chaotic, getting your work done is going to feel that way too.

Take time to create a space that welcomes productivity. Set yourself up for success by keeping your workspace clutter-free. Invest in: good lighting if you don’t have access to natural light, a good quality desk chair to support good posture, and blue light blocking glasses so you don’t have constant screen headaches which 10/10 derail you from focusing. Oh and get a plant because they’re calming, lol

I’m not saying you need to spend your life savings on trendy decor here. I’m just saying to take care of your workspace so that when you sit down to work, you’re not being pulled in different directions by piles of papers and whatever else.

4️⃣ Stick to phone boundaries.

It’s no secret that most of us are addicted to our phones in one way or another right? Like I’m right there with you - this is an us thing not a you thing so I GET IT! Did you know, and I think I’ve even shared this statistic on the show before, that on average we tap, swipe, and click on our phones ~2,600 times per day? THAT IS WILD, YOU GUYS! Like no wonder we struggle to stay focused.

This tip - creating phone boundaries - and the next tip are the 2 that really changed the game for me.  Being disciplined in sticking to the phone boundaries that I’ve created has legit skyrocketed my productivity levels and my ability to maintain a focus on what I’m doing.

My 3 go-to phone boundaries that help me stay focused are:

⋒ Turn off all social media notifications - like the red bubbles and banners. Don’t let social media notifications dictate your time and attention.

⋒ Turn email notifications off and instead check email during 2-3 designated time blocks per day. I used to be the girl who would RUN to answer an email the moment it came in and that made it super difficult to finish any other task. Setting this boundary has completely diminished that problem for me.

⋒ Put your phone out of reach from your workspace.

It doesn’t even have to be far - for example, I put my phone on my second desk - I can see it from where I’m sitting when I work, but I can’t reach it unless I get up. I’m WAY less apt to pick it up and start mindlessly scrolling if it’s not within reach.

5️⃣ Work in intervals.

Okay so the key here is finding an interval system that suits your work style instead of trying to work for hours on end and actually just running around in circles because you can’t focus or your energy is low because you’ve been trying to do the same task all dang day. 

So I call my intervals “work sprints” - I first heard this term from a gal who did the Hustle Sanely Program this summer and I think it’s such a cute way to say it. But anyway, a work sprint for me is working for 45 minutes without interruption then stepping away from my desk for ~15 minutes to let my brain refresh. Knowing that I have a break coming up encourages me to stay focused and instills a sense of urgency in me to get as much done as I can during a work sprint.

A popular version of this is the Pomodoro Technique. It’s a time management strategy where you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by 5-minute breaks. The intervals are called pomodoro. After ~4 pomodoros, you take a longer 15-20 minute break.

Like I said, just find an interval system that works for you and roll with it!

If you enjoyed this post, tune into episode 054 of The Hustle Sanely Podcast to listen into this topic!

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