3 Thoughts That Might Be Holding You Back


Limiting beliefs are the worst, am I right? They pin us down and make us feel like we can't go after our dreams. Well, I call BS.

Today, I am sharing 3 common limiting beliefs that babes in the Hustle Sanely Squad struggle with. Read on so you can turn these limiting beliefs into affirming truths and get back to making your dreams happen!

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After chatting with y’all over on Instagram, I’m learning that the number one reason that a lot of y’all aren’t even giving your dreams a chance goes back to your mindset. There is some sort of block in there keeping you from taking a step and I am just not about leaving you hanging there because listen to me - your mindset is everything.

Like legit. And not in a woo-woo way but there have been studies done on gratitude and the power of our thoughts and PLUS it’s all up in the Bible how our words matter and where do you think your words come from? YOUR THOUGHTS!

I know you've heard this but I have to start the episode with it anyway because it’s important: Your thoughts become your words.Your words become your actions. Your actions are what make up your life.

Not only that but what you say (which again, comes from what you’re thinking) repeatedly becomes what you believe. So what you think forms your beliefs. What you keep telling yourself over and over again = what you end up believing. Which means you have the ability to change that stuff.

That’s where the phrase “limiting belief” comes in - we hear this allllll the time in the personal development world but let’s seriously break it down. A limiting belief is something that you believe because you’ve repeatedly thought it and maybe even said it out loud. You’ve got to make a shift. Reframe your thoughts. How do you do that? You take your limiting belief and you combat it with an affirming truth.

Start acting like how you want to show up for your life. And that starts with THINKING. So if you want to be a business owner start thinking thoughts that support that!

I put together a list of 5 mindset blocks or limiting beliefs that are common amongst the Hustle Sanely Squad and today I want to dive into 3 of those and walk you through what they are, their potential roots ie why you have them, and some affirming truths to reframe them.


Okay so what is it?

We’ve talked about this a lot here on the show but in case you’re new - imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where you deal with the persistent inability to believe that your success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of your own efforts or skills. Aka you don’t think you’re credible despite the work and experience that you have. And heads up - there is a whole episode on the podcast about imposter syndrome.

What can it sound like?

“Who am I to _______?”“
Why would anyone want to listen to what I have to say?”
“I don’t deserve to __________.”
“I’m not _______ enough to do this.”

Imposter syndrome is when you KNOW you have the qualifications and/or experience to do something but you continually question yourself anyway.

Where does it come from?

Imposter syndrome stems from doubt and insecurity - as most limiting beliefs do, right? I shared something on my Instagram stories that I want to share here because it resonated with a lot of y’all there. I had a breakthrough/aha moment about imposter syndrome

What’s an affirming truth to combat it?


I am equipped for what I’m called to do.

My gift is needed to make an impact.

No one else can do this work like I can.


Okay so what is it?

I feel like this one is pretty straightforward - we all know what that nasty feeling of comparison is like. It’s when we hold up what we’re doing (or not doing) against what someone else has going on.

Like you know what I’m talking about - when you peek over the fence into someone else’s yard and you’re like “OMG her yard is way better than mine!” But here’s the thing, what you need in a yard and what she needs in a yard are probably super different so what good is comparing your yards going to do? Not a whole lot. Like let’s say you have 2 kids who LOVE playing in the backyard on a trampoline. But your neighbor doesn’t have kids. So where your trampoline is, she has an aesthetically set up reading area - you know a swinging egg chair, string lights, a big green plant.

Well listen - her yard serves her needs and your yard serves yours. What good is an egg chair and string lights going to do for your situation - your kids can’t play on that? Think of how much joy YOU get from laughing and tumbling on the trampoline with your little babes.

Having the trampoline aligns with your vision - raising a happy, healthy fam. 

Egg chair neighbor doesn’t have kids to raise right now so the outdoor reading area serves her vision.

Make sense? What I’m saying is comparison is a total waste of mind space. You could be doing SO MANY more life-giving things with your thoughts. Things that actually move YOUR needle forward, you know?

So it can sound like:
“I’m not as good as _____ so I’m not going to bother.”
“Well mine isn’t like ________ so I’m done.”

What’s an affirming truth to combat it?


I’ve created a life that serves my vision.

The work I’m doing makes sense for my goals.

I am doing my best and that is enough.


Okay so what is it?

Scarcity mindset is when you cling on to time, energy, money, and other resources because you are scared they are going to run out. When I think of scarcity or lack mindset - I think of hoarding. Like any time something comes into your life, you are stingy and holding on as tight as you can (which means you are not sharing or blessing others) because you are rooted in the doubt of not knowing when/if more is coming your way.

Ugh exhausting right? Imagine how heavy and clunky your thoughts are to live in this place?

Scarcity mindset applies to more than just money - it applies to not having enough of ANYTHING.

What can it sound like?

“I don’t have enough time for _____.”

“It’s already been done before so there isn’t space for me to do it too.”

“I am so broke.”

What’s an affirming truth to combat it?


God provides all of my needs.

I am a good steward of what I have so there is more coming.

I choose abundance because it belongs to me.

If you heard these and you were like, “OMG YES! ME! HELP!” Then I’ve got something that was MADE for you! It’s called the Hustle Sanely Program and it’s the most epic group coaching course ever!

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Seriously - I know that it’s life-changing. Bold AF statement, yes but I know it’s true because I teach the strategies that changed my life and the lives of the gals who have gone through it already. I’m so passionate about this program because I know what it’s like to go day after day feeling burnt out, like you’re never going to catch up on your to-do list which means you definitely don’t have time to pursue your dreams, snapping at your loved ones at the end of the day because you’re so exhausted. GIRL listen to me - it does not have to be that way. It’s not supposed to be that way!

It is possible for you to live a peacefully productive life - you’ve just got to do the prep work - both internally and externally and choose that you’re done with the frantic busyness. It would be an honor to walk alongside you to support you as you do this.

Soooo this is me inviting you to get off that tired, empty hamster wheel life you’ve been living and join us. I promise, you won’t be sorry! And to the girl who needs to hear this - you deserve to invest in yourself in this way. Because these changes won’t just affect you - they’re going to affect your entire family! This type of investment is a impact-based one. It’s going to spill into your entire life and as you grow and learn and continue to implement what you learn - it’s just going to get better and better. Your new way of being will influence your spouse, your kids, your co-workers...the investment that keeps giving, ya know?

If you enjoyed this post, tune into episode 055 of The Hustle Sanely Podcast to listen into this topic!

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