Episode 016: How To Create a Morning Routine You'll Stick To
In this week’s episode, I’m sharing how you can create a morning routine that you’ll actually stick to!
Implementing a morning routine of some sort has helped me really buckle down on making mindset shifts which helps me be a more positive human and I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a good headspace, I tend to get a lot more done and not just done but done well.
I think everyone needs some sort of morning routine, because how we start our day truly sets the tone for how the rest of our day is going to go. Having a morning routine gets you in the right frame of mind and allows you to go into the day with a positive attitude.
Even if you only spend an intentional 15 minutes on a morning routine - it will make a difference!
In this episode, I share with you in detail what my morning routine looks like and then give you a few steps to follow to create your own!
Mindfulness Journal: https://etsy.me/2qJzPVK
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